Sunday, June 25, 2017

We Earned These Tiger Stripes...

I think I could speak for all the girls in the world that we always have something about our bodies that we very much dislike, and for a very long time I could say that I did not like one part of my body. Ever since I was little I was over weight, most of you know this from my past blogs, or if you were at my graduation party and saw all of my pictures from birth to about seventeen. I got asked the question a few weeks ago if I am "just in love with my body now that I am 13 months deep into my transformation", and to be honest, my first response was no way, I have goals that I still am chasing after, and this next goal that I have in mind is keeping me on my toes and always challenging me in multiple ways. But right after I answered the question with "I'm getting closer to loving each and every part of my body" I caught myself thinking about that depressed 17 year old that never wanted to even step foot in the pool or even think about going to prom her senior year. That little girl that always struggled with binge eating, that girl who discovered her first ever stretch mark in elementary school. 
     That day is still so vivid in my mind, I was standing in the laundry room, took off my shirt, and there they were, bright red stretch marks lined the sides of my waist. How in the world could this be happening already, I was in the fifth grade, obviously never had a child, and to be honest I did not even really know what made a stretch mark appear...But obviously we soon figured out. To be totally honest, now thinking about it as I am writing this blog, this was probably the start of my many issues that I saw with my body. For the next six and a half years, those bright red marks that creeped up my sides caused many many mind games. But let me tell you after 13 months of choosing to eat according to my goals, those bright red scars that lined the sides of my waist slowly faded to a light pink. Don't get me wrong, they are still there, I still see them every day, but after these 13 months of slowly learning to love my body, I figured out that I needed to choose to love every part of my body. Yes, having stretch marks that line my arms, legs, sides and back is not what I had in mind for my 18 year old body. But every day that I look in the mirror I am reminded that I earned these light pink, fading to white tiger stripes. Let me tell you, the day that I noticed the bright red faded to a fleshy pink was the first day that I truly recognized how far I have actually came. May be shocking, but that day was only two weeks ago. 
     It wasn't until two weeks ago that I got the mindset to stop over consuming myself with body image. I'm just going to let you all know now that I had been really struggling with body image again ever since I got back from Seattle and my prom dress did not fit like it did the day before I got on my flight to Seattle. I realized I didn't need to worry about how flat my stomach was, or that I didn't have a thigh gap. I need to focus in how far I had come, and truly I needed to put every ounce of focus on my next goal. So two weeks ago I told myself to stop being so hard on myself, which ended up inspiring me to blog about it. To share with you and girls all over the world to stop being so critical with how your body looks. Stop scrolling on Pinterest trying to find out how that model got the perfect body. Stop stocking Victoria Secret Models on Instagram trying to figure out the perfect pose to show off the right angle for your next selfie. I can tell you right now, being a journalism student all throughout high school and attending multiple photography conferences, Photoshop is a crazy tool that can make a person look completely different. I can also tell you that almost every model is photo shopped so stop being so hard on yourself.
    Now, to the girl in back row of the classroom, trying to avoid every girl in the school because she is so insecure about how her body looks, and what other girls are going to think of her. Weighing herself daily hoping that the number that appears will stop going up. Eating only fruit, vegetables, and as little as possible because "that's the only way" that the number is going to start going down. Going back to binge eating because that is the "only" thing that she believes will grant her the comfort she is looking for. First off, hang in there. You are and always will be beautiful, you are Loved, you are Worthy. Believe it or not I was there. I never thought I would be able to look in the mirror and love what my body turned into. I never thought I would be writing a blog about how much I adore my "Tiger Stripes" and how every morning when I look at my hot mess self in the mirror and see those scars that line my waist and hips I smile because it is a constant reminder of how far I have come and how I never want to go back to my old lifestyle of living to eat and not eating to live.
     It was a simple change in mindset that changed my world. Are you going to let a simple scar that represents a battle between food or obesity over consume your mind and tell you constant lies about your worth? Or are you going to stop comparing yourself to others and believe that every single battle wound on your body whether it is from an accident, a simple stretch mark from carrying a child in your womb for nine months is a reminder of how far you have come and everything you have conquered? The choice is yours...

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